Graus, M., Grimm, M., Metzger, C., Dauth, M., Tusche, C., Kirschner, J., Kümmel, S., Schöll, A., Reinert, F.
Electron-vibration coupling in molecular materials: Assignment of vibronic modes from photoelectron momentum mapping
Physical Review Letters 116, (14),pp 147601/1-5 (2016)
Electron-phonon coupling is one of the most fundamental effects in condensed matter physics. We here demonstrate that photoelectron momentum mapping can reveal and visualize the coupling between specific vibrational modes and electronic excitations. When imaging molecular orbitals with high energy resolution, the intensity patterns of photoelectrons of the vibronic sidebands of molecular states show characteristic changes due to the distortion of the molecular frame in the vibronically excited state. By comparison to simulations, an assignment of specific vibronic modes is possible, thus providing unique information on the coupling between electronic and vibronic excitation.