Quindeau, A., Borisov, V. S., Fina, I., Ostanin, S., Pippel, E., Mertig, I., Hesse, D., Alexe, M.
Origin of tunnel electroresistance effect in PbTiO3-based multiferroic tunnel junctions
Physical Review B 92, (3),pp 035130/1-7 (2015)
The mechanism of the tunnel electroresistance effect of a Co/PbTiO3/La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 multiferroic tunnel
junction is studied in detail using experimental and theoretical methods. Based on experimental data, we present
a model that explains the correlation between the polarization of the ferroelectric material and the observed
resistance state based on the effective change of the tunnel barrier thickness.We show that the observed thickness
variation can neither be completely attributed to the asymmetric inverse piezoelectric effect in the classical
sense, nor to asymmetric screening of the polarization charge. The analysis of detailed ab initio calculations
quantitatively demonstrates that a mixture of electronic and structural phenomena is responsible for the change in
effective tunnel barrier thickness upon polarization reversal. On the one hand, the ferroelectric material exhibits a
reversible metallization at one of the interfaces, which shifts the boundary between the ferroelectric material and
the electrode. On the other hand, a piezoelectric effect that stems from different terminations of the ferroelectric
ultrathin film towards the electrodes magnifies this effect. Combined, the electrically switchable effective change
in thickness is as large as 0.15 nm, which dominates the resistive switching effect in the presented junction that
involves a 3.2 nm thin PbTiO3 film. Thiswork contributes to the deeper understanding of fundamental mechanisms
that lead to tunnel electroresistance and imposes new ways for tailoring the characteristics of electroresistive
tunnel junctions.