Tao, K., Guo, Q., Jena, P., Xue, D., Stepanyuk, V. S.
Tuning magnetic properties of antiferromagnetic
chains by exchange interactions: Ab initio studies
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17, (39),pp 26302-26306 (2015)
The possibility of using exchange interactions to manipulate the spin state of an antiferromagnetic
nanostructure is explored using ab initio calculations. By considering M (M = Mn, Fe, Co) mono-atomic
chains supported on Cu2N islands on a Cu(001) surface as a model system, it is demonstrated that
two indistinguishable Néel states of an antiferromagnetic chain can be tailored into a preferred state by
the exchange interaction with a magnetic STM tip. The magnitude and direction of the anisotropy for
antiferromagnetic chains can also be tuned by exchange coupling upon varying the tip-chain separation.