Bournel, A. and Dollfus, P., Bruno, P., Hesto, P.
Monte Carlo modelling of spin relaxation in a III-V two dimensional electron channel
Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices 1998pp 173-176 (Eds.) Meyer, K. D. and Biesemans, S.,Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany (1998)
By using a Monte Carlo transport model, we investigate the feasibility of the control of the electron spin rotation by a perpendicular electric field in a III-V two dimensonal electron gas. At room temperature, this control is made difficult because of an important spin relaxation phenomenon due to the scattering events between the carriers and the host crystal. However, we show that the loss of spin coherence can be decreased by operating at liquid nitrogen temperature, or even almost eliminated by reducing the electron lateral displacements.