Aliev, F. G., Schad, R., Volodin, A., Temst, K., Van Haesendonck, C., Bruynseraede, Y., Vavra, I., Dugaev, V. K., Villar, R.
Electron interaction with domain walls in antiferromagnetically coupled multilayers
Europhysics Letters 63, pp 888-894 (2003)
For antiferromagnetically coupled Fe/Cr multilayers the low-field contribution to the resistivity pDW, which is caused by the domain walls, is strongly enhanced at low temperatures. The low-temperature resistivity pDW varies according to a power law, pDW(T)=pDW(0)-A*Tα with the exponent α ≅ 0.7-1. This behavior cannot be explained assuming ballistic electron transport through the domain walls. It is necessary to invoke the suppression of anti-localization effects (positive quantum correction to conductivity) by the non-uniform gauge fields caused by the domain walls.