Diekhöner, L. and Schneider, M. A., Wahl, P., Baranov, A. N., Stepanyuk, V. S., Bruno, P., Kern, K.
Spin polarized surface states of cobalt nanoislands on Cu(111)
Proceedings 12th International Conference on Scanning Tunneling Microscopy/Spectroscopy and Related Topics 696, pp 53-59 (Eds.) Koenraad, P. M. and Kemerink, M.,AIP, Melville, USA (2003)
The electronic structure of thin Co nanoislands on Cu(111) has been investigated by scanning tunneling spectroscopy at low temperature. Two surface related economic states are found. An energetically localized state in the spectrum at 0.31 eV below the Fermi level (EF) and a mainly unoccupied dispersive state, giving rise to quantum interference patterns of standing electron waves on the Co surface. Ab initio calculations reveal that both electronic states are spin-polarized, originating from d3z2−r2-minority and sp-majority bands, respectively.