Lüders, M., Ernst, A., Däne, M., Szotek, Z., Svane, A., Ködderitzsch, D., Hergert, W., Györffy, B. L., Temmerman, W. M.
Self-interaction correction in multiple scattering theory
Physical Review B 71, (20),pp 205109/1-17 (2005)
We propose a simplified version of self-interaction corrected local spin-density (SIC-LSD) approximation, based on multiple scattering theory, which implements self-interaction locally, within the KKR method. The multiple scattering aspect of this new SIC-LSD method allows for the description of crystal potentials which vary from site to site in a random fashion and the calculation of physical quantities averaged over ensembles of such potentials using the coherent potential approxiamtion. This facilitates applications of the SIC to alloys and pseudoalloys which could describe disordered local moment sstems, as well as intermediate valences. As a demonstration of the method, we study the well-known α-γ transition in Ce, where we also explain how SIC operates in terms of multiple scattering theory.