Fischer, G., Däne, M., Ernst, A., Bruno, P., Lüders, M., Szotek, Z., Temmerman, W. M., Hergert, W.
Exchange coupling in transition metal monoxides: Electronic structure calculations
Physical Review B 80, (1),pp 014408/1-11 (2009)
An ab initio study of magnetic-exchange interactions in antiferromagnetic and strongly correlated 3d transition metal monoxides is presented. Their electronic structure is calculated using the local self-interaction correction approach, implemented within the Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker band-structure method, which is based on multiple scattering theory. The Heisenberg exchange constants are evaluated with the magnetic force theorem. Based on these the corresponding Néel temperatures TN and spin-wave dispersions are calculated. The Néel temperatures are obtained using mean-field approximation, random-phase approximation and Monte Carlo simulations. The pressure dependence of TN is investigated using exchange constants calculated for different lattice constants. All the calculated results are compared to experimental data.