Samarin, S., Williams, J., Artamonov, O., Pravica, L., Sudarshan, K., Guagliardo, P., Giebels, F., Gollisch, H., Feder, R.
Intensity asymmetry of the (00) diffracted spin-polarized electron beam scattered from W(110): Azimuthal dependence
Applied Physics Letters 102, (25),pp 251607/1-4 (2013)
Intensity asymmetry of the elastically scattered spin-polarized electrons from W(110) surface at 22 eV primary energy and at 25 angles of incidence and detection ((00) diffraction beam) was measured as
a function of the azimuthal angle. Experimental results are compared with the calculations based on
the relativistic multiple scattering formalism. The comparison showed fairly good agreement. These
support the general theoretical approach and the input data chosen for the calculations. The
information gained from our work is important for the interpretation of results of various spinpolarized electron spectroscopies as well as for design and construction of multi-layered structures with spin-active interfaces.