Zielinski, W., Swiatnicki, W., Bartsch, M., Messerschmidt, U.
Non-uniform distribution of plastic strain in duplex steel during TEM in situ deformation
Materials Chemistry and Physics 81, pp 476-479 (2003)
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) in situ straining experiments were carried out on duplex
ferritic?x2013;austenitic steel. Localization of strain as a common feature during slip transfer from the austenite to the ferrite has been noticed. The character of strain localization depends on the orientation relationship between the phases. A possible influence of the TEM specimen geometry on the mechanism of plastic deformation of the ferritic?x2013;austenitic steel was considered by
comparing the results with those of in situ straining experiments have been performed in a 1 MV
high-voltage TEM instrument.