Wulfhekel, W. and Schlickum, U., Kirschner, J.
Spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy
Applied Scanning Probe Methods II: Scanning Probe Microscopy Techniquespp 121-140 (Eds.) Bhushan, B. and Fuchs, H.,Springer , Berlin, Germany , ISBN 978-3-540-26242-8 2006
We give an introduction to spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy (Sp-
STM), a magnetic imaging technique with nanometer lateral resolution. Sp-STM allows to
record constant current images which represent the electron density near the sample surface and
simultaneously the spin polarization of the electron density which is related to the magnetic
moment. It is shown how magnetic and topographic information can be separated using a modulation
technique of the magnetization of bulk ferromagnetic tips. It is demonstrated that the
out-of-plane component as well as one well-defined in-plane component of the spin polarization
can be recorded. Finally, it is shown that with Sp-STM valuable information on the spin-resolved
electronic structure and on the fundamental processes of tunneling spins may be obtained.