Ernst, A., Sandratskii, L. M., Bouhassoune, M., Henk, J., Lüders, M.
Weakly dispersive band near the Fermi level of GaMnAs due to Mn interstitials
Physical Review Letters 95, (23),pp 237207/1-4 (2005)
The nature of the weakly dispersive electronic band near the Fermi level observed in photoemission experiments on the diluted magnetic semiconductor GaMnAs is investigated theoretically. The combination of experimental features appears puzzling. We show that the formation of the band is closely related to the presence of the Mn interstitial impurities. The states forming the band have predominantly minority-spin Mn-3d character. The low experimental Mn-3d intensity is explained by the low content of the interstitial Mn impurities. The features of the band are robust with respect to the calculational technique [local density approximation (LDA), LDA+U].