Ostanin, S. A., Zeller, P.
Ab initio study of the uranyl oxide hydrates: A proton transfer mediated by water
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 19, (24),pp 246108/1-12 (2007)
We present a first-principles study of the UO3*n(H2O) uranyl oxide hydrates, namely schoepite (n=2.25), metaschoepite (n=2) and dehydrated metaschoepite (n=1.75), which appear as the alteration U(VI) products of aqueous corrosion of nuclear fuel. For these compounds, the calculated enthalpy of formation is in good agreement with calorimetry and solubility measurements. We discuss the key electronic state factors behind the phase stability of uranyl oxide hydrates. An unexplored proton-transfer mechanism, which produces the H3O hydronium ions in UO3*nH2O, has been studied using ab initio molecular dynamics simulations at room temperature. For the hydronium ion, a very short lifetime of around 20 fs has been suggested.