Analysis and control of electron dynamics
K. Krieger, M. Hellgren, M. Odashima, D. Nitsche, A. Castañeda MedinaIn the mid eighties, Runge and Gross developed the mathematical foundation of
time-dependent density functional theory
Traditional density functional theory exclusively deals with ground-state properties of atoms,
molecules and solids. Our time-dependent generalization allows the ab-initio calculation of
excited-state properties and thereby makes a whole new arena of phenomena accessible to
a first-principles treatment. In the nineties, simultaneously with Marc Casida, we devised an
explicit scheme of calculating molecular excitation energies
[4] and oscillator strengths which, by now, has become a standard technique
in quantum chemistry. Hundreds of groups worldwide use this method to calculate molecular
excitation spectra.
Time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT), however, is not restricted to weak probes
of molecules or solids (which yield the excitation spectra). Non-linear optical properties as well
as interactions of strong laser pulses with matter can be treated as well. In the past years, we
have successfully described strong-field phenomena, such as the generation of high harmonics.
We have developed a theoretical tool, the so-called time-dependent electron localization
function (TDELF), which allows the time-resolved observation of the laser-induced formation
or breaking of chemical bonds, thus providing a visual understanding of the dynamics of excited
Questions like: "How, and how fast, does an electron travel from one state to another?"
have been successfully answered with this approach. As an example, the figure below shows
snapshots of a laser-induced π-π∗ transition in acetylene.
The torus-like structure between the carbon atoms in the first picture shows the triple bond,
while the two tori in the last picture clearly represent an antibonding state. It is clear from the
plots that the transition is completed after about 3.9 fs. Information of this type may soon
become experimentally available with atto-second pump-probe spectroscopy.
We also have applied the concept of the ELF to 2D systems. The figure below on the
right-hand side shows the ELF of a 12-electron quantum dot with four minima.
One can clearly identify a region of enhanced electron localization in the center,
i.e., a feature similar to a chemical bond. Like for chemical bonds, the localization is
visible only in the ELF, not in the plot of the density on lefthand side.
Most recently our work on time-dependent effects has focused on the study of time-dependent
transport phenomena. Using our TDDFT approach to quantum transport
we calculate the electronic current through a single molecule attached to (semi-infinite) metallic
leads. We have studied a variety of time-dependent effects (see also the section on quantum
transport), such as electron pumping
An electron pump is a device which, without any static bias, generates a (macroscopic)
net current upon application of a time-dependent field. An example is given in the figure
below which shows (a) a schematic picture of the experiment and (b) the corresponding AFM
picture of a carbon nanotube on a piezo-electric surface. When a sound wave is generated on
the surface, a running electric wave along the nanotube is produced by the piezo-electric effect.
This leads to a measurable net current through the nanotube.

- Figure from: P.J. Leek, M.R. Buitelaar, V.I. Talyanskii, C.G. Smith, D. Anderson, G.A.C. Jones, J. Wei and D.H. Cobden, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 256802 (2005)
A very interesting aspect, which can be explained by our ab-initio theory of quantum transport,
is the fact that the current can have a direction opposite to the running wave. The figure
below shows a snapshot of the excess density (in red), i.e. the time-dependent density
minus the initial density, as it moves into the left lead whereas the time-dependent electric
wave superimposed to the lattice potential of the carbon nano-tube (in green) moves to the right.
Depending on the frequency of the electric wave and on the Fermi energy of the leads,
the current may go to the left (negative current) or to the right (positive current).
The figure below shows the calculated time-averaged current
as a function of the
Fermi energy (corresponding to different values of the gate voltage in the experiment).
The above calculation is a simple example of controlling the electronic dynamics with
external parameters, i.e. the direction of the current is controlled by the value of the
applied gate voltage.
This type of control can be taken to a much more sophisticated level by combining
TDDFT with quantum optimal-control theory
Here the goal is not to predict and/or analyze time-dependent processes resulting from
a given driving field, but rather to determine the "best" laser pulse to achieve a given
control target. Questions like: "Starting from a given initial state, by which laser pulse can
one achieve maximal population of a given final state at the end of the pulse?" can be
addressed in this way. The snapshots below show how the chirality of the current in a
2D quantum ring of 44 nm diameter can be switched by a suitably shaped laser pulse,
calculated with our optimal control algorithm
Arrows represent the current density,
the color indicates the magnitude of the density, and the time scale is in effective atomic units.
Interestingly, after about half of the pulse length (t=28 a.u.), one finds the current density
going in opposite directions on opposite sides of the ring, leading to a zero net current.
Using an analogous algorithm, we also have controlled the electron localization in a
double quantum dot
In a generalization of the control algorithms to quantum-classical
systems we recently succeeded to selectively break molecular bonds by ultrashort laser pulses
formulating the control target in terms of classical nuclear degrees of freedom.
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